What kind of raw material used for gelatine production

What Kind of Raw Materials do we use?

1. Pig Skin

Pig skins are purchased in a fresh, cooled, or frozen state from meat processing companies and further processed without delay, or temporarily stored prior to their further processing in our own or external refrigerated warehouses.

2. Hide Split

The hides of cattle are first intensively washed in hide-processing facilities. Then the subcutaneous connective tissue is removed by machines and the hide is horizontally split. The intermediate layer thus obtained, the so-called “split”, consists majorly of collagen and is therefore excellently suited as a raw material to be employed in the production of gelatine. The split is preserved with either salt or hydrated lime in order to prevent quality losses. 

3. Bone Chips

Fresh bones are produced in meat processing companies. These bones are suited for the production of gelatine only after a careful pretreatment step. First, the bones are crushed to size of 5 to 10 millimeters, defatted in hot water, and freed from perhaps still adherent tissue. Subsequently the so-called bone chips are dried and screened to yield various grain sizes. In Germany, this processing step takes place in our company-owned degreasing plant. In the United States, however, the bone chips are manufactured directly by the big meat processing companies.

All raw materials are subject to the strict regulations of meat processing and hence to the complete control of the produce’s source of origin.

4. Fish Scale and skin

The high quality of the fish gelatine manufactured by fish scale and skin. Fish gelatine and hydrolysed fish gelatine are particularly pure products, odourless and have a neutral taste; they are used in the pharmaceutical, hydrolysed collagen peptide, nutraceutical and food applications.

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