Gelatine Quality Control In Production Process

  • 1. Testing of raw materials for freshness and the absence of potential foreign objects.

  • 2. Physical, chemical and bacterio-logical examination of the applied production water

  • 3. Chemical and physical tests to assure the identity and quality of auxiliary substances

  • 4. Physical and chemical monitoring of the process of raw material disintegration

  • 5. Continuous physical and chemical monitoring of the neutralization and washing processes

  • 6. Automatic control of the proceeding extraction

  • 7. Optical tests to assure the filtration effect of each stage

  • 8. Automatic measurement of the degree of the salt removal

  • 9. Continuous temperature monitoring of the first heat exposure prior to evaporation

  • 10. Continuous measurement of the viscosity during the concentration process

  • 11. Continuous temperature monitoring of the high-temperature sterilizer

  • 12. Continuous monitoring of the air for the temperature and humidity during drying

  • 13. Checking of the pariticles sizes after grinding

  • 14. Incoming goods inspection of packing materials

  • 15. Comprehensive physical, chemical bacteriological tests to assure the finished products' compliance with the official regulations, the customer-specific requirements and the quality agreements before shipment

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